Like everything, golf is more enjoyed the better you are at it. The good shots are the ones that bring you back to play. but we tell our students that in reality, you are only as good as your misses! Regardless of your ability, the ultimate goal of all golfers is to become more consistent. The golf ball doesn’t know who is hitting it, but it always reacts exactly to what the golf club is doing at impact. If the ball isn’t going where you want it to, there is always a reason.
Our feeling is there are common characteristics in good swings and common characteristics in poor swings. Our goal is to better help you understand what it is that you are doing well and what you need to improve on. Whether it’s the full swing, short game, mental game, equipment, course management, etc. we can guide and coach you through the various steps to more consistent golf! Overall we at the Timberwolf Golf Academy will help you become a better golfer not just have a better swing.
As PGA of Canada professionals we are dedicated to growing the game for all to enjoy. It is a game of a lifetime. We don’t teach golf to people but rather teach people to golf. Let us help you to achieve your goals and benefit from everything golf has to offer!